And the training continues…

This week has been awesome! I’m still on a PR high and I am looking forward to all of the training and craziness of my next Half Marathon.

If by training, I mean partying, then yes. I did some of that this week.
If by training, I mean partying, then yes. I did some of that this week.

It’s only 38 days away…

This half is quite a bit smaller, so I wont have the crowd of people to lean on mentally when the going gets tough. However, Lizzy (from Run Hare Run) will also be running the race. I am sure having her there will help me tons. I have a lot of confidence issues about running, so having someone at a race that I regularly run with will be good for my head. Frank (my husband) will also be there to cheer me on. He was greatly missed at my last race.

Also, this race photo from A1A might be the worst pic of me ever taken…

Haha! This is me when I'm working hard. Hard work isn't pretty. lol
Haha! This is me when I’m working hard at the finish line. Hard work isn’t pretty.

My training for this week:

Tuesday: Treadmill 3 mile run
Wednesday: 4 mile easy run + yoga
Thursday: Yoga
Friday: 6 miles + yoga
Saturday: Cross Country Ski
Sunday: 10 mile long run

How do you celebrate a big race? How long do you usually take to recover?

4 thoughts on “And the training continues…

  1. After a half I get back to it pretty much right away, but I definitely did NOT take enough time off after my marathon last year. I won’t be making that mistake again this time! You had a great week!


    1. I figured I’d need some chill time after the half, but I feel totally fine. I spent like two days sleeping more than usual, but I feel pretty much back to normal and this week, my milage has been pretty much the same as it usually is.


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