Happy Wednesday! I am signed up for Colfax!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!! This is what Elly was doing on this fine morning:


Isn’t she a lazy bum? I love her so much!

Well… Today it is official… I am signed up to run the Colfax Marathon on May 15.

unnamed (1)


I am a ways away from the day, BUT I am already starting to get into training shape. I was pretty bad about running over the holidays, but now that I am back home, I am doing some easy chill runs to remind my legs how to run (and pathetically, they are sore EVERY DAY). Luckily, my friends have been coming on a few runs with me to help get my body back into gear!

It was so cold! Jordie (the puppy) was there to pace us. 

I am still deciding on what training plan to use, but I have a few in mind (I’ll write a post once I decide). My “official” training begins in about 2 weeks, and honestly I can’t believe it’s already here. After not being able to run Chicago, I’ve been having a bit of run-anxiety, which prevented me from signing up for Colfax until now. I am constantly worried about getting hurt and not being able to run it. I have decided that time really doesn’t matter for this race. I only need to finish it and get a time to beat at Chicago in October. It’s just hard to keep that state of mind, especially when I have good days. Needless to say, there will be no mountain biking until after the race.


I hope everyone is having a great week! What training plan is your favorite? Any advice for a first time marathoner?

12 thoughts on “Happy Wednesday! I am signed up for Colfax!

  1. Yaaaaaaaaayy! We can be training buddies this winter! I make my own training plans for marathons, but I really like plans that incorporate a lot of variety and really get to the why of each workout. I’ve become a big fan of having lots of recovery running at very easy paces to help my body recover – it really works, as I feel like I have so much more energy and feel much better after runs this time around.

    It’s not easy to give up time goals and settle for taking it easy, especially if you’re used to being motivated by that. But I think if you just take it one step at a time and listen to your body and don’t try to get ahead of yourself (been there!), I bet you will find yourself in better shape than you think come marathon day. One thing I’ve learned over the past year is that the journey is so much more joyful when we focus on where we are now, not where we wish we were.


    1. I am motivated by time goals, but I think that lead to some burn out when training for Chicago. I feel that I just need a time on the books and that 26 miles is such a long distance that really, my goal needs to be to finish. I’ve been looking at some plans that I like, and I might go ahead and tweak them a bit to fit my running better.


  2. NICE!! Congratulations and that’s so exciting! I prefer pretty much anything with Hal Higdon’s name attached to it. His novice plans are very doable. 🙂 I’m excited to follow your training!


  3. Congrats on signing up for your first MARATHON! I hear great things about Colfax. My ex boyfriends from high school (still keep in touch from time to time) lives out there now and he ran the half and liked from what I remember! I agree with Hanna – take it one step at a time. I think a good book for a first time marathoner is Bart Yasso’s book. He has some good, easy to follow and adapt advice for creating a plan of attack.

    Good luck! Looking forward to following your journey!


    1. Thanks! I am pretty excited, but also nervous. Not being able to run Chicago definitely hurt my confidence. I have looked at Bart Yasso’s plans and it’s something that I’m definitely considering.

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