Heading into Race Week

One week exactly from the A1A Half… and I’m a little nervous. I really don’t know what to expect and honestly, I have no idea what pace I’ll be running it at. I’ve been totally all over the place this week. There was a ton of snow on the ground at the beginning of the week, which made my legs felt like they were carrying lead. I finished my week off great, though! My second long run was definitely a high point.

Due to the crazy blizzard last week, I had two long runs this week. I had planned to run the first on monday, but I was so sore from galavanting through a blizzard on sunday that I decided to push it off. The run went well, but I was definitely tired by the end. I had a recovery run on Wednesday, where I spent 30 minutes complaining to my running buddies about how sore I was from the day before. Thursday I took a much needed rest, but spent most of my day bouncing around with energy. I guess the training is working. Friday’s tempo run went great and I finished feeling strong and ready for the half.

Saturday was spent cross country skiing ALL DAY LONG! I think I skied close to 14 miles total. It was a perfect day for it too.

My friends and I by our snowman after many hours of cross country skiing.
The South Bend Adventure Club by our snowman after many hours of cross country skiing.

I gotta say though, my long run was definitely me at my best. I ended up going with my roommate who is training for the LA Marathon. She was running 20 miles and I was doing 10. Normally I take my long runs at about 10:00-10:30 pace. However, with her, we were going closer to 9:30 and I felt great. I had minimal suffering and I seemed to be just winning the mental game that I battle with so badly when my milage is above 8. For the first time, I was really feeling ready for this half.

Training this week

Monday: Yoga + Rest
Tuesday: 10.56 mile long run
Wednesday: Ran 3.12 miles for recovery + yoga
Friday: 5 miles tempo (1 mile warm up, 3 tempo, 1 mile cool down) + yoga
Saturday: Cross Country Ski
Sunday: 10 mile long run + yoga
Total: 28.7 miles

This is my highest milage since my ankle injury over a year ago and I felt really really good. However, I am kinda glad to be heading into the taper week. My goals are just to keep being positive and trust the training I’ve done.

Taper Week

Monday: Yoga + Rest
Tuesday: Run 4 miles
Wednesday: Run 3.1 miles
Thursday: Run 2 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: A1A Half Marathon

How was your training? Any big running plans coming up?

2 thoughts on “Heading into Race Week

  1. Hey Kerry! So glad you dropped a comment and link on my blog today. You are going to have a great time at the A1A this coming weekend!

    I’ve run this course in an official race capacity twice so far, and unofficially about a million times since I do ALL of my runs along A1A. If you have any specific questions about the course let me know and I would be happy to answer.

    Here’s what I can tell you: we start in downtown and run down to the ocean. We’ll run a couple of miles along the oceanfront, a couple of miles in a park, and then the remainder will be along the ocean as well. The weather is supposed to be really nice on Sunday – high in the mid 60s – which is usually accompanied by a nice ocean breeze. There’s only one draw bridge that we’ll run over right before we get to ocean/beach and it’s a pretty small bridge, the rest of the course is pancake flat! There usually aren’t a lot of spectators, but the fast runners usually stick around and cheer everyone else on so it does get a bit loud near the finish.

    In my opinion this is the BEST half marathon course, but I am biased since I love Fort lauderdale and I train on this course every day of my life 😉


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m pretty excited about the race. I grew up in Coral Springs, so I know the area well (although it has changed a lot) and my parents are still there, so it’ll be nice to visit them as well. I’ve been training in Indiana, so I’m a little concerned about the temperature, but I’m super glad to hear that the highs are in the 60’s! That’s perfect weather! Good luck to you as well!!


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