Some Goals, Weather, and a Dream!

This weekend is the season opener for the DINO trail racing series, and I couldn’t be more excited! I’ll be headed to Mounds State Park on Friday, to camp and wake up early for a 15K. The best part is… husband is running too! He’s doing the 5K, but I’m pretty excited to have him racing with me. He isn’t often a runner, but it’s fun when he comes out. The race is likely to be a muddy one. The snow has melted on the trails and it is projected to rain on Friday and Saturday. I guess that just makes for interesting trail conditions.

Perfect recipe for some muddy trails. Bring it on!
Perfect recipe for some muddy trails. Bring it on!

Typically I don’t have time goals for trail races, since the terrain and trail conditions play such a large role in race difficulty. I’ll be shooting for 1:35:00, but my only real goal is to just have fun and run a smart race.

I completed Kristina’s Virtual 10K for Team Paws today! It was pretty awesome, and I walked away with a PR! To make the day even better, it was warm enough to wear shorts. Spring has finally arrived.

I'm getting fast! This was a pretty big PR for me.
I’m getting fast! This was a pretty big PR for me. 

So, I have a surprise. It’s more of a dream right now, but I wanted to tell you, since it could really change my training in the next few months…

Screen Shot 2015-03-10 at 3.08.43 PM

I entered the lottery to run the Chicago Marathon. I realize that most people will not be picked, but hey, maybe I will. I’ve always wanted to run Chicago. I was in town a few years ago during the marathon and it looked awesome. It would be my first, and I think it would be a pretty awesome race to debut at. We’ll see what happens…

Anyone else looking to do Chicago? What do you think about trail racing? Also, go wish Lizzy good luck on her Marathon this weekend! 

8 thoughts on “Some Goals, Weather, and a Dream!

  1. I really want to do Chicago, but it won’t be in the cards for me this year. I think I may enter the lottery next year! GREAT JOB on that 10K!!! That PR is huge! And good luck in your trail race this weekend! (Be careful in all that mud!)


    1. Thanks! I really hope I get into Chicago. I think it would be a great experience and tons of fun. If I don’t get in this year, I may be entering the lottery with you next year!


  2. Congrats on your 10K PR! That’s awesome! I hope you have a great race this weekend. Trail races are all about having fun, so take it easy and try not to worry about time 🙂 You’ll do great!

    I’ve also always wanted to run Chicago. I’m actually thinking of waiting until I can enter as a time qualifier since their standard is easier than Boston’s – if things go well this year I might have a shot of getting it this fall!


    1. Thanks! The trail race will be tons of fun. You should so run Chicago! They do have much easier standards that Boston, but they are not age graded, which I think is kind of weird. I really hope you qualify with your next marathon!


  3. Congrats again on the PR! And you entered the lottery!! Awesome! When will you find out if you are chosen? I hope you make it, that would be so fun.


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