Ultra-Goals for 2019

Merry Christmas Everyone! With the end of 2018 quickly approaching, I’ve been looking back on a big year and looking forward to some more ultra-fun in 2019. Since Javelina, my training has been pretty chill. I run when I want, don’t when I don’t. I have not done any substantial long runs in quite someContinue reading “Ultra-Goals for 2019”

A skipped run but a good night

Tuesdays are usually a pretty good day for me to get a good run on trails in. I start work at 6:00 am, so I get out of the clinic pretty early. Generally, I like to hit the trail right after work, but this week I was just too exhausted. The toll of waking upContinue reading “A skipped run but a good night”

Weekly Training Update: Jan. 15-21

Hey there! Last week was a little crazy. I went running in shorts on day, got snowed in the next, and ran in a winter wonderland the following day. It was certainly a week of extremes. I started the week with a small cold that kept my running easy and chill. Due to my sicknessContinue reading “Weekly Training Update: Jan. 15-21”

2018 is the Year of Ultra!!

It has been a while… Almost 6 months actually. Since you last heard from me, a lot has happened. I ran the St. George Marathon with a 15 minute negative split and a 10 minute PR and I ran the Antelope Island 50K and came in 7th for women. It was a good year forContinue reading “2018 is the Year of Ultra!!”

Week 1: Training for the St. George Marathon

I had a bit of a breakthrough at PT this week. I was told to give my legs a try and go for a run. So I did… And it seems like everything is going pretty well. I can still feel the sciatic pain on uphills, but for the most part, things are looking up.Continue reading “Week 1: Training for the St. George Marathon”

Training for St. George… kinda

Today is the official start of my training for St. George and my workout was to walk/run 5 miles… You may be wondering what happened since the last time you heard from me. I was on track to start training for a BQ attempt (I still am, just much more hesitantly). Well it’s a bitContinue reading “Training for St. George… kinda”


Goals. They can be big, and scary, and impossibly hard. As runners, we often set manageable, small, tiny goals that are reachable. We set goals that we can wrap our heads around. But sometimes, we should be setting goals that are maybe a reach, something that even on a perfect day may not happen. FailureContinue reading “Goals”

A Dream Come True

I’ve spent my whole life loving and admiring the mountains, but always being a plane or long car ride away. It hurt to watch the Rocky Mountains disappear from my rearview mirror each time that I came home from Denver. The drive back into Kansas is long and monotonous, and more than anything, I wantedContinue reading “A Dream Come True”

Colfax Marathon Week 2

Hey guys! I know I am late on this training recap, but things have been a little crazy around here. We’ve had a few major ups and downs, and I have been feeling a little emotionally drained. Regardless, I have still been training and running has been going well. I had a fantastic long runContinue reading “Colfax Marathon Week 2”

Week 1: Getting back some consistency!

Each week I am going to post a short recap of my training as I work towards my goal of PR-ing my marathon time at Colfax in May. In total, we are about 19 weeks out from the big day, and although things are still up in the air, I am assuming that I’ll beContinue reading “Week 1: Getting back some consistency!”