A Look Back at 2018

Happy New Year Everyone! It’s the first day of 2019 and I’ve been logging the miles! It was a cold day out in the mountains, but I got my first peak of the year! As I leap into 2019, I wanted to look back at what I liked most about 2018. Here’s a quick lookContinue reading “A Look Back at 2018”

Weekly Training Update: Jan. 15-21

Hey there! Last week was a little crazy. I went running in shorts on day, got snowed in the next, and ran in a winter wonderland the following day. It was certainly a week of extremes. I started the week with a small cold that kept my running easy and chill. Due to my sicknessContinue reading “Weekly Training Update: Jan. 15-21”

Week 1: Training for the St. George Marathon

I had a bit of a breakthrough at PT this week. I was told to give my legs a try and go for a run. So I did… And it seems like everything is going pretty well. I can still feel the sciatic pain on uphills, but for the most part, things are looking up.Continue reading “Week 1: Training for the St. George Marathon”

Colfax Marathon Week 2

Hey guys! I know I am late on this training recap, but things have been a little crazy around here. We’ve had a few major ups and downs, and I have been feeling a little emotionally drained. Regardless, I have still been training and running has been going well. I had a fantastic long runContinue reading “Colfax Marathon Week 2”

Week 1: Getting back some consistency!

Each week I am going to post a short recap of my training as I work towards my goal of PR-ing my marathon time at Colfax in May. In total, we are about 19 weeks out from the big day, and although things are still up in the air, I am assuming that I’ll beContinue reading “Week 1: Getting back some consistency!”