A Look Back at 2018

Happy New Year Everyone! It’s the first day of 2019 and I’ve been logging the miles! It was a cold day out in the mountains, but I got my first peak of the year! As I leap into 2019, I wanted to look back at what I liked most about 2018. Here’s a quick lookContinue reading “A Look Back at 2018”

Run in the Sun… and back to the snow!

Sorry about being MIA over the holidays. It is always craziness down south. My husband and I are both only children, so we are showered with attention when we visit. I spent a lot of time with my family and catching up on my yoga practice. My mom, who is also a yoga teacher, andContinue reading “Run in the Sun… and back to the snow!”

Training Update: Heading home to sunny South Florida!

I am going home! I have been looking forward to this for weeks and I head out tomorrow. I couldn’t be more excited. There will be sun and heat and more yoga than I could shake a stick at. I’ll get to see my whole family, plus my husband’s family. It really doesn’t get betterContinue reading “Training Update: Heading home to sunny South Florida!”

Reflections for Intensions

The end of the year is a perfect time to reflect on our accomplishments and growth over the past 12 months. As runners, we always try to compete with ourselves for that better time and longer distance and sometimes, it just doesn’t happen. Resolutions come in many forms, and may (or may not) be reachable inContinue reading “Reflections for Intensions”

Happy Late Thanksgiving!!!

How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was AWESOME! For the first time in my life, I did a rather untraditional Thanksgiving Day. Instead of eating tons of Turkey (I’m vegetarian, so tofurkey in my case), I spent my day hiking through the backcountry of Great Smokey Mountains National Park with my husband and favorite hiking partner.Continue reading “Happy Late Thanksgiving!!!”

Thanksgiving Week Training Update

The snow melted and it is currently 52 F outside. Unfortunately, I am not able to enjoy the warmer weather for my long run. While on a rather short and easy run last week, I started feeling the old IT band pain. So, with that, plans changed and I didn’t go for my long run sunday.Continue reading “Thanksgiving Week Training Update”