Life Update!

Hey everyone!! I have been pretty bad at blogging this week… it’s just cause I’ve been crazy busy. Training is going great though, and I am still marching my way towards the starting line at Denver. The end of this week marks the half way point of this cycle, and although I am feeling like I am getting more fit and ready, anything more than 16 miles still feels daunting and scary.

Last weekend I went backpacking with Frank and our friend, Ben in the Ozarks. It did get in the way of my running a little, but it was amazing to see some of the beautiful sights that the southern Midwest has to offer.

I did manage to fit in a short run during our trip, but I was just exhausted from the hilliness of the terrain.

We spent two nights in the wilderness in the White Mountain Recreational Area. Since it is winter, I was stuck with a rather huge and heavy backpack to accommodate my 0 degree sleeping bag. Frank and I have been talking about trying fastpacking, where you pack ultralight gear and run/hike to cover higher mileage. Although we’ve had some pretty big mileage days by just hiking, fast packing allows you to get a little deeper into the wilderness and see places that normally take a few days to get to. I think we need to do a few more backpacking trips to train, but we are hoping to try it this summer.

Elly was pretty glad to see me when we got back from the Ozarks. As per usual, she passed out next to me on the couch. I just love this cat so much.

This is the most perfect animal in the world. 🙂

I am officially signed up for the Chicago Marathon in October. If you remember, I deferred last year after an ankle injury that left me unable to walk. I feel more determined than ever to get to that starting line. Although it isn’t the race that I wanted it to be last year, I am excited to have Chicago be my 2nd marathon and be the first time that I am chasing a marathon PR!!

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This time I am determined to make it!

I was a little worried about burning out after Colfax and not being able to train for Chicago, but I am going to be taking 2 weeks completely off of running and heading to Europe with my mom. I imagine that will help me clear my mind and reset before marathon training begins again.

 Well, that’s basically it for my week. I’ll post next week to let you know how my training has been. I have a 16-miler on Saturday to tackle, so hopefully that goes well.

How was your week? Any fun or exciting plans this weekend?

12 thoughts on “Life Update!

  1. Yeah, I agree. A trip to Europe is a great way to clear our minds a reset. 🙂 Your trip looks fantastic and aww….Elly. ❤


  2. Europe sounds amazing! Congrats on being officially registered for Chicago 2016! I’m sure that if you take it easy(ish) for Colfax training and don’t worry so much about finish time, you won’t experience burnout and will have plenty of energy left to tackle PR training this summer!! Training for a marathon finish time is hard, grueling work so I think with your focus on just finishing Colfax healthy and strong, you will be in a perfect position to nail your Chicago training!!

    Tomorrow (Saturday) is my birthday, so I am looking forward to a fun weekend of birthday stuff and, of course, running. Birthday weekend is what’s been getting me through this week 🙂


    1. Yeah. Colfax, hopefully, wont be too hard. I still get stressed out over the really long distances, but I am trying to take it easy and not beat myself up over missed training runs.

      Happy Birthday! Have fun and have a great weekend!!


  3. Your kitty!!! SO CUTE!!!! Awwwww what a sweet face. Congrats on signing up for Chicago – that is one of my favorite marathons! You will LOVE it. Great job keeping up with your training, and Europe sounds AWESOME!


    1. Elly is so wonderful and perfect. I am completely obsessed with this cat. 🙂 I am pretty excited for Chicago, I am just hoping that Colfax doesn’t make me totally scared of the marathon distance.


  4. YEAHHHHH! Chicago!!! I am very much looking forward to going back to the windy city. I just need to find a better hotel this year, haha.

    Elly is so so so so so cute! ❤


    1. Let me know what hotel you choose. I am looking for some too. I haven’t decided if I am driving yet, and if I do, I’ll try to get a little further away to save money.

      Thanks! She is my best buddy and I love her so so much!


  5. Ooh, I bet the Ozarks are so pretty! I’m jealous!

    When is Colfax? I know 16+ feels daunting now but by the time it’s time to run more than 16, you’ll be ready because you’ve trained. I like that at the start of a plan the long runs seem sooo long but eventually you’re just ready for them!

    I think two weeks off in Europe will have you mentally ready to train for Chicago!


    1. The Ozarks are really beautiful. I just loved it out there. Colfax is May 15… so coming up soonish. I have an 18-miler next week and the week after is my first 20-miler. Both of those mileages sound incredibly daunting and I don’t feel ready. Hopefully my long run this week makes me feel a little more comfortable with those.


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