Colfax Marathon Week 9: Halfway There

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!!!


I have reached the halfway point of my training plan. That means the Colfax Marathon is less than 9 weeks away and while I’m certainly not ready to go out and run it tomorrow, I do feel like running it is possible… eventually. I had a great week of training with the highest mileage I’ve ever run. I hit my paces, kept things feeling strong, and ate like everything ever in my house. Seriously, marathon training is bad for my food bill.

In all honesty, I feel like the time has passed way too fast. When I started training, the race felt forever away, but now it’s coming up. My first 20-miler is in about two weeks and things are getting real. In reality, I only have 4 more runs left that are over 14 miles before the taper. It’s amazing how much my definition of “running really far” has changed during this training cycle.

Monday: 6 miles Goal MP Tempo

This was a pretty uneventful run. I kept it at the right pace and it felt easy and short. I went around town and dragged Frank out with me for 3 miles of it. I was still a little sore from the backpacking trip, but my legs warmed up really fast and the soreness went away right after the run. I did some yoga after to keep myself from feeling too tight. That was it. Easy peasy.

Tuesday: 6.2 Hills + Some intervals

I was planning on doing an easy run, but I woke up feeling great. I decided to go out and do some hills and intervals. I warmed up for about a mile, went up and down a pretty sizeable hill four times and then did some intervals on tired legs. I ran around a park near the hill that is just over a quarter of a mile and used that as the interval. I ran 4 times around at a comfortably fast pace (we’ll call it 5k pace) and in between ran around the park at a very easy pace. I managed a negative split on the intervals with my final interval being the fastest, which was impressive given how tired my legs were feeling from the hills. I ran home to cool down.

Wednesday: 6 miles easy

This was just a chill run at a chill pace. I didn’t feel sore from the day before, so this felt nice and easy. I decided after to go to my friend’s fitness class, where she subsequently kicked my butt using kettle bells. I must say, I was not meant to be a weight lifter! I did some yoga after to stretch out so I wouldn’t be sore the next day.

Bit of a gloomy day

Thursday: Rest! Did some yoga though

 Friday: 8 miles Goal MP Tempo

I went for a 1 mile warm up and then did 6 miles at goal MP. There were some hickups here or there because I was going over a hilly area of town, but I basically kept the pace controlled and close to pace. In the middle of the run, my mom called, so I talked to her while I ran. I’m pretty sure everyone running by thought I was insane, but whatevs. It’s like having a running partner when you run while talking on the phone!

Saturday: 16 miles LSD

Always the most important and hardest to get out the door run of the week. I went out in the morning despite the gloomy weather to check out some new terrain around town. I went down a few roads I had never seen, which turned out to be kind of hilly. Overall, it was a pretty good run, however, I did have a weird pain in my foot. I decided afterwards to retire the shoes (I have no idea how many miles were on them) and switch them out for the shiny new pair in my closet. So far, everything feels great again!

Frank came for a few miles on his bike and snapped this pic.
Check out these shiny new shoes!!!

Sunday: Rest – Went camping Saturday night and hiking Sunday morning!

Frank and Ben hanging by the campfire

Total Mileage: 42 miles (Holy Cow!!)

So there you have it! I had my biggest week yet and it is followed by another big week… but so far everything is going great. Luckily I do have nice cut back coming up and I am looking forward to it!

How has your St. Pats day been? Do you have plans to celebrate tonight (I will be hanging out with a few friends as their DD, since I am afraid any amount of alcohol is going to completely derail my training)?

9 thoughts on “Colfax Marathon Week 9: Halfway There

  1. You’re awesome to be a DD for your friends but trust me, unless you’re getting sloppy drunk, having a little alcohol here and there is not going to “completely derail” your training, LOL.

    I wish I felt like training is going by too fast. When I’m at the halfway point I always feel like it’s dragging on and the race is never gonna get here. When you’re doing something for the first time it’s always hard to imagine, because it’s still unknown. You’re doing more work at the halfway point than I did for my peak week of my first marathon training…so if I could do it, you can! Just keep training, trust in the process!


    1. Haha! Any alcohol makes me drunk. No joke, one drink and I’m pretty silly. It just feels like everything is going so fast now in training. The taper takes up the last three weeks so I’m really starting to feel like the end is in sight.


  2. Nope, no plans at all. We never do anything for it, and we both feel like we’re fighting allergies/colds.

    I love how you marathoners think going out for a half marathon run is easy. 🙂


    1. Haha! I used to think 13 miles is so far… then I started running further and it didn’t seem so crazy. Racing a half marathon is a totally different story. I still think that’s really hard.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, I get it. At least I get it in the abstract.

        Although I get what you’re saying to: my husband called me on my relay race, when I kept saying “it’s just 8 miles — not even!”.


  3. Wine is a nightly staple for me. It has never derailed my training! Though I have a good tolerance for it at this point. 😉

    Congrats on 42 miles! That is definitely high weekly mileage territory for me at this point! I usually hover in the 30s, but I did have a 40+ mile week this week because I went on an unscheduled run this morning… bad, bad Megan!

    You look so strong in that picture! What is your goal marathon pace?


    1. I’m a total lightweight when it comes to alcohol. Lol. One glass of wine would definitely have me pretty tipsy. My goal is under 4:00, but since it’s my first marathon, I’ll take any time. Haha!


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