Training and Mountains to Climb

I had a really good week of training! I hit about 6000 feet of vert over 40 miles of running and 8 miles of cross country skiing. It felt good and it was awesome to get out and ski a bit. Despite the rather mild winter we’ve been having, it was a really great time!

Skiing in the Uinta Mountains

I am not a particularly good skier, and spent a substantial amount of time on my butt. Most of the first 4 miles were uphill, which meant the 4 miles back were all downhill. I took a few good falls (by a few, I mean like 10), but check out this video of me really owning that downhill!

I got a long run in of just 12 miles. I am still working up to the longer mileages for this training cycle. The real problem I am facing is that in order to get the vertical gain I need, I have to run on trails. And that just takes so much longer. While heading up some of the bigger peaks around here, I end up hitting 25-30 minute miles. It’s just impossible to get really long runs in like that. I may have to start doing the longer days on road.

This week my goal is to hit 10,000 feet of vertical gain. In order to get that done, today I went up Mt Wire, a rather knarly peak on the north side of town.

Mountain running is tiring business.

It was definitely a difficult trek. I clocked over 2000 feet of gain in the first 1.8 miles of the run. It was hard and my calves burned, but the view at the top was certainly worth it.

My playground!

From the peak, my friend, Dan, and I ran along the ridge to another peak called Red Butte. I always struggle with ridges and I get pretty scared on the thinner ones. We took it slow and steady.

Ridge running along Red Butte

As we were coming down, we got some cool sunset views. When it comes to scenery, Utah doesn’t disappoint.

Beautiful sunsets

So far so good for the week.

Also, I am officially signed up for Squaw 50-miler, which has 14000 feet of gain, so I better get to it! I am certainly getting nervous about this race. Luckily I still have over 5 months of training to go. I’m really not sure what to expect or how to train for it. Honestly, my main goal is to just get to the start line with no injuries.

Oh and here’s a selfie with Elly!

We love each other.

Have you ever hiked/ran up a mountain? Do you like trail running or road running (I love both)?

11 thoughts on “Training and Mountains to Climb

  1. I love the video, you look so happy when you cross by the camera!

    That’s so exciting that you’re signed up for Squaw 50. I am looking forward to your training reports!!!!


    1. I’m excited and scared at the same time. Squaw is going to be rough. I’m really not a very good climber and with 14000+ feet of gain, I’m gonna have to become one.

      I was pretty happy. Mostly that I didn’t fall. Haha!


    1. Yeah. That park is really beautiful. I used to go there often when I lived in Kansas. Now it’s over 8 hours away which is pretty tough to do when you have good mountains where you are.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 8 hours is definitely too long a drive! My dogs are needy — they can’t easily go much more than 4 -5 hours alone tops (and they have little bladders, too). Does make it a bit tough sometimes.


  2. Wow, this looks like fun, good for you to get out there on skis! I love xc skiing and would love to do more of it…you have inspired me to dig out my skis. Love the pics too! Have fun!


  3. Utah sunsets are the best! I never quite figured out how you brake on cross-country skis? My husband ran Squaw Peak for the first time last year and it was pretty brutal. I think it was hotter than normal that day and he had an upset stomach so nutrition and heat training might be your friends. Looking forward to following your training this year!


    1. Oh I have no idea how to break either. I just fall over if I’m worried that I need to stop. lol I am really not very good.
      I hear that Squaw is pretty brutal. I’m training hard in those mountains in hopes that I get to race day all nice and mountain ready.


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